Playstation 4

Playstation 4
Playstation 4

Saturday, February 28, 2015

top 25 ps4 games of the year!


IGN's Top 25 PlayStation 4 Games - IGN. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2015, from
IGN is a highly trusted and unique website that not only reviews games but also movies, and TV shows. This particular article is there top 25 for the year so far of PlayStation 4 games. The top 25 is a very important part of every gamers life. We our more then excited to see what these top editors and reviewers are rating our games. The top 25 lets us know which games are the ones to buy and which ones are the the ones not to buy. Without amazement the last of us took home first place. This game has won nearly 20 game of the year awards and more then 50 awards in total. Naughty dog the lead developer for the last of us has been making amazing games ever since they started there Uncharted franchise. There are by far the most successful PlayStation game making company of all of them. Some of the big games not making the list were the Order 1886 which was a huge surprise for me because had playing that game i believe it should of been in the top 5.
"With a lot more time having passed since the PlayStation 4's launch, its library has expanded, and strengthened, considerably."
"The Last of Us is an unmitigated, undisputed masterpiece, arguably last generation's greatest game on any console, and perhaps one of the best games of all-time, too. "
I am a little disappointed and unamused of this years top 25. I would of loved to see a new game take the victory in this years list. Don't get me wrong The last of us is still probably the best game out there to this day and it deserves every award it gets, but the constant victories are ruining all my excitement for game list. I always know that the last of us is gonna win and it ruins it for me. I would like to see a game like the Order 1886 take the thrown because it deserves it. Having unbelievable graphics and a amazing story the Order 1886 is the best game right now.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

PS4 top selling console once again!

Source: IGN.COM

TYRELL, B. (Ed.). (2015, February 12). PS4 Back On Top For January Console Sales - IGN. Retrieved February 13, 2015, from
Summary: IGN is a very high trusted video game website that consist of video game reviews and amazing commentary on games and shows. IGN constantly puts up stats on this years video game sales and console sales. This article in particular shows the recent sales update on the PlayStation and xbox one. The PlayStation 4 once again took supreme on the top selling console for the month of January.
"As to be expected, the NPD Group today revealed that overall video game hardware sales in the US declined by 23 percent, spurred by slow sales coming out of the holiday season."
"The current-gen PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles finished a combined 22 percent under last month, while combined sales of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 decreased by 35 percent."

Reflection: I completely understand why PlayStation is leading the sales once again. It is by far the best system out of the console wars and of the next generation. Being a PlayStation gamer I enjoy playing this system and understand why it is the best selling console of the month like it has been five months in a row.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dying light final review

Title: IGN.COM

Cite: Repreaz, M. (Ed.). (2015, January 31). Dying Light Review in Progress - IGN. Retrieved February 4, 2015, from

Summary of source: IGN is a very trusted video game company that is home to great video game reviews, and TV show reviews. This particular article describes the final review for the anticipated game dying light. Dying light is a open world zombie killing game that puts park kor and killing together in a cool action adventure game. The final review that finally came out shows just how successful this game franchise became and how many fans and supporters it came to have. Dying light has a bright future ahead of itself as long as it keeps making games that consist of good open world game play, and a compelling experience for gamers.

Combining first-person, Mirror’s Edge-esque parkour with open-world, zombie-brawling RPG action (a la Dead Island), Dying Light’s monster-infested, ramshackle slum is filled with possibilities."
"Like their grotesque inhabitants, the slums of Harran aren’t particularly pretty, or even that distinct – one corrugated-tin rooftop feels like any other, really. "

Reflection: I completely agree with how IGN reviewed this game. I actually played this game with some friends in a co op experience, and it was unlike no other. Filled with action 24/7, smooth game play, and great graphics dying light didn't disappoint as one of the most anticipated games of 2015. Being a huge dead island fan dying light shows that not just one game creator has what it takes to make a good zombie game and they expanded the idea with fast pace action unlike then dead island games.