Playstation 4

Playstation 4
Playstation 4

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Order 1886 review!

Title: IGN.COM

Summary of Source: IGN is a very large gaming website and company that makes video game reviews and reviews other media systems. IGN reviews all the big time games coming out as they are bound for release and The Order 1886 was its next matchup. PlayStations most anticipated game of 2015 is coming to its release on Friday and IGN doesn't seem to think its as good as everyone thought. This particular article states that it is a mediocre game and it lacking many elements such as smooth gameplay, and good camera angles. They describe that during in game battles the camera slide off to much and you cant see whats in front of you. The review does state some good things as it says the story is amazing and the beauty of the world is untouchable.

TYRELL, B. (Ed.). (2015, February 18). The Order: 1886 Review - IGN. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from
Quotes: "Though absolutely gorgeous and wonderfully atmospheric, The Order: 1886 is a deeply conflicted thing. "
"The Order is thick with exquisitely detailed environments that showcase the grand opulence of London built atop poverty-stricken slums."
I am strongly disappointed with this review because I was so excited for this game to come out. The order 1886 was one of my most anticipated games of 2015 and I couldn't wait to put my Playstation4 to its limits with the amazing graphics in the Order. Even this poor review wont stop me from buying this game. If the order can provide me with a great story mode third person shooter then I am getting it, and it looks to do just that. Although it might have a few in game bugs theres no beating the gameplay I have seen on youtube and the amazing trailers for its story. Cant wait for Friday to come.