Playstation 4

Playstation 4
Playstation 4

Friday, November 28, 2014

Playstation TV hit or miss?

Title of source is: IGN.COM ( )

Citation: Hayward, A. (Ed.). (2014, October 17). PlayStation TV Review - IGN. Retrieved November 28, 2014, from

Summary of Source: The PlayStation TV is the newest advancement in Sony's technology lineup, and it is looking to wipe off its competitors. The apple TV, and googles chrome cast are the leaders in this department as of know but with Sony making its way in the game this could all change. IGN, a very leading source on technology reviews took this machine and broke it down piece by piece. Unfortunately, it looks like Sony has failed with this new device and lacks the many features that make its competitors great. Unlike the Apple TV, PlayStation TV lacks a variety of games and apps. Although they do have a good amount, the difference between them and its competitors is high. IGN also states that it does have a similar design to the Apple TV so and idea of mimic come to mind towards Sony. This review also talks about all the lousy UI that was used for the menu. Having a lousy user interface is the heart breaker in Sony's new device because Apple and Google excelled at just that. In general, IGN has given the new device a decent score of 6.5/10 and this gives Sony solid ground to build open for the future.

Important Quotes:
"In theory, yes. In practice, however, Sony's micro console currently proves less beneficial than advertised. "

"While the PlayStation TV underwhelms as a standalone device for buying and playing games, it serves a very helpful role as a PlayStation 4 companion—but only for certain setups."

"But as a standalone device, the PlayStation TV disappoints due to huge gaps in the game compatibility list and missing video apps, as well as poor PlayStation Now performance over Wi-Fi."

Reflection: The PlayStation TV is a device that I would not go out of my way to buy. When owning a Apple TV, you realize that the interface and apps are just unbeatable and there is no better TV companion. PlayStation TV is a hit or miss type of machine and although it hits on the gaming side of PlayStation, it misses on its main point, the TV side. The PlayStation 4 is already out there and we don't need another gaming device, we need a TV companion and with Apple to far ahead of the race i recommend that Sony just tops production of this unsuccessful device. 

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